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The Godfather

THE GODFATHER is one of the best films ever made, with Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.

Don Vito Corleone is Godfather of one of the richest families in New York. He is a gangster and his business is fear and murder. Corleone's son, Michael, wants a quiet life away from the family business. But slowly Michael changes into the most dangerous gangster of them all...

Andre bøker på emnet engelsk (273)

  1. The House of Stairs
  2. Voices in Time 2
  3. The Call of the Wild
  4. Feet of clay
  5. That's it! 3
  6. Strapped for Cash
List flere på engelsk...

Andre bøker på emnet Lettlest (218)

  1. The climb
  2. Go on!
  3. Passing for white
  4. Torsketryne
  5. The fugitive
  6. Second best friend
List flere på Lettlest...

Andre bøker på emnet mafia (2)

  1. Il Biondo
  2. Marki Marco

Andre bøker på emnet krim (57)

  1. Plagede sinn
  2. Den fremmede
  3. Mordrommet
  4. Three adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  5. Rubinen i røyken
  6. Lik i lasta
List flere på krim...
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