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Forlag: [Oslo] Cappelen Damm Utgitt: 2016
Antall: 1 (1 inne)
Den siste lærling nr 1
Forlag: [Oslo] Aschehoug Utgitt: 2011
Antall: 2 (2 inne)
Mary Shelley ; retold by Deborah Tempest
Forlag: Pearson Education Limited Utgitt: 2000
Antall: 1 (1 inne)
Robert Bloch, retold by Chris Rice
Forlag: Pearson Education Limited Utgitt: 1999
Antall: 1 (1 inne)
and other stories
Edgar Allan Poe, retold by David Wharry
Forlag: Pearson Education Limited Utgitt: 1999
Antall: 1 (1 inne)
Stephen King, retold by John Escott
Forlag: Pearson Education Limited Utgitt: 1999
Antall: 1 (1 inne)
and other stories
Edgar Allan Poe, retold by Adrian Kelly
Forlag: Pearson Education Limited Utgitt: 1999
Antall: 1 (1 inne)